When you have invested time, money and effort to develop BC Plans you need to ensure that your plan does not become out of date providing little or no benefit in a crisis. By removing the burden of keeping your plans updated and tested, Glen Abbot’s BC Assured service makes sure you don’t lose the value of your investment

BC-Assured provides continued readiness to face the unexpected

We can maintain your plans by:
• Agreeing a maintenance timetable
• Reviewing and updating your Plans
• Running an exercise with your Incident/Crisis Management team
• Providing access to our consultants for advice and guidance
The service is uniquely tailored to your organisation and is designed to fit the level of support you might need. You define what is needed!
Usually we work on a one to three-year cycle depending of the size, scope and level of change within your organisation.
The value of BC Assured is:
• Confidence that your Plans are up to date
• Access to qualified experts with decades of experience to provide advice
• Protection of your investment in business continuity planning
• Continued alignment with regulatory or statutory requirements where relevant