BC-Consultancy equips your organisation to create and maintain a comprehensive Business Continuity Management framework. You will gain confidence that you have planned and rehearsed, in order that when the unforeseen occurs you will know how to respond.
The programme is based upon the ISO 22301 standard. Using its experience Glen Abbot’s team works with you to create the necessary structures, to tailor documentation, to deliver bespoke training courses and to facilitate the required workshops for your organisation.


The first stage of business continuity planning is to understand how your business works. To do this we use a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) questionnaire to work with you to identify impacts of loss of business activities, recovery timeframes and recovery requirements. This enables us to define prioritised critical activities, critical resource requirements and the recovery profile.

Develop the BC Strategy

Using the information determined from the BIA we work with management to determine the best options available to you to recover your operations. This could include working from home, the use of work area recovery facilities or collaborating with a partner.

Develop the Business Continuity Plan

Having developed the strategy we then create a plan or a series of plans (Business Continuity Plans) to meet the needs of your organisation. These plans can include operational, tactical and strategic Incident Management Plans, Emergency Response Plans, Communications Plans, Business Continuity Procedures and one page summary plans. What you receive will be tailored to your specific needs.

Training and Testing

Your Business Continuity Plan is only as good as the people who will implement it. We work with your staff to ensure they are fully trained in how to implement the plan. Once training is complete, we run exercises to test the plans and ensure those using the plans are familiar with them and have the knowledge to manage an incident and have practised doing so in a mock situation.